Smith Grove Online Service

Watch live or play back services on any device.

Welcome to our online service.

Watch live at 10:30 on Sunday mornings, or play back previous services at any time. We encourage you to use the discussion prompts for conversation with your family - it will help make the truth stick!

Questions for Discussion

  • Why is understanding our freedom so important in the Christian life?
  • If we are already made righteous in Christ, then to what does the phrase “the hope of righteousness” refer?
  • Why should our freedom in Christ lead us to live a life of love for one another and our neighbors?

Pray Together

Go to the Father and ask for guidance in living free, living in truth, and living to love and serve. Ask the Spirit to help you walk in obedience as you seek to follow the reassuring truth of the gospel and live it out. Give Him praise for saving us and never leaving us.

Gospel Connection

Being able to discern a false gospel from the one true gospel is important in our witness to the world. How do we continue to grow the gospel in our lives so we are ready to defend the truth and recognize any false gospels?

We'd love to hear from you!

Do you have any questions? Did you experience any problems with the stream? Just want to say hi? Get in touch with someone from our staff by using the Contact Us button below.